The Department of Greek and Latin maintains its own noncirculating library within the department's suite of offices. A student bibliographer is appointed annually to help maintain and update the collection, and to receive suggestions from faculty members and students for book purchases. The library receives daily use as both a reference room and a study area; any student who is a member of the department or enrolled in one of our courses may make use of it.

The Dr. Bernard M. Peebles Memorial Fund, a small departmental endowment, provides ongoing support for the purchase of books for the library. Recent acquisitions include a significant number of new Loebs and additional volumes of Brill's New Pauly, among other items.

The department is delighted to receive gifts of textual editions, commentaries, and scholarly books for the library. Such gifts, upon request, can be commemorated with bookplates to serve as lasting memorials as well as research tools.