All of these dissertations were submitted to University Microfilms (now ProQuest) for publication. Many of the dissertations completed before 1979 were published in series by the CUA Press.
Sally Ann Shore St. John Chrysostom's De Virginitate and De Non Iterando Coniugio: Translation and Commentary
1980. DAI-A 41/02 (August 1980), p. 665.
John Joseph Dillon Lapsus: A Study of the Word and Its Synonyms from the Classical Age to St. Cyprian
1982. DAI-A 43/04 (October 1982), p. 1136.
Rev. Lawrence Richard Hennessey Expressions of Death and Immortality in Homer, Plato, and Origen of Alexandria: A Literary and Theological Comparative Study
1982. DAI-A 43/03 (September 1982), p. 794.
Francis John Gilardi The Sylloge Epigraphica Turonensis De S. Martino 1983. DAI-A 44/04 (October 1983), p. 1078.
William Joseph McCarthy Sol Salutis, Arbor Mundi, Lucerna Christi: Cosmic Cross and Cosmic Christ in a Second Century AD Paschal Homily 1984. DAI-A 44/11 (May 1984), p. 3376.
Katharine C. Black Direct Address in Sophocles: A Study of Dramatic Convention 1986. DAI-A 46/09 (March 1986), p. 2684.
Cynthia Kahn Felix Hymenaeus: A Study of Greek and Latin Epithalamia through the Fourth Century AD
1991. DAI-A 52/03 (September 1991), p. 905.
Sally Rogers Christian Adaptations of Euripidean Themes in Clement of Alexandria, Protrepticus and Stromata 1991.
DAI-A 52/03 (September 1991), p. 905.
Lloyd Jonnes The Inscriptions of Heraclea Pontica 1992. DAI-A 53/03 (September 1992), p. 787.
Andrew C. Dinan Fragments in Context: Clement of Alexandria's Use of Quotations from Heraclitus (Philo of Alexandria, Plutarch, Greece) 2005. DAI-A 65/11 (May 2005), p. 4184.
Edward Strickland Christian Leadership in Late Antique Ancyra 2006. DAI-A 67/10 (April 2007).
John Pepino St. Eucherius of Lyons: Rhetorical Adaptation of Message to Intended Audience in Fifth-Century Provence
2008. DAI-A 70/02 (August 2009).
Sr. Maria Kiely, O.S.B Ambrose the Pastor and the Image of the 'Bride: Exegesis, Philosophy, and the "Song of Songs" 2013. DAI-A 74/09(E)
Brent Douglas Gilbert The Image of God, Greek Medicine and Trinitarian Polemic in Gregory of Nyssa's "De Hominis Opificio" 2014. DAI-A 75/06(E)
Rev. Edward Arthur Naumann Augustine the Preacher and the Judgment of God 2015. DAI-A 76/10(E)
Lionel G. S. A.Yaceczko Ausonius of Bordeaux: Grammar, Rhetoric and the Establishment of a Christian Culture in the Late Roman West 2016. DAI-A 77/06(E)
Kathleen Marie Kirsch The Soul at War in Late Antiquity: The Image of Spiritual Combat in the Poetry of Prudentius 2019. DAI-A 77/09(E)
Benjamin Allan Lewis The Senses and Sensory Metaphors in Augustine's Early Works 2019. DAI-A 80/11(E)
Matthew Alexander Theris Poulos Callimachus and Callimacheanism in the Poetry of Gregory of Nazianzus 2019. DAI-A 80/11(E)
Luigi de Luca The Quest for Health in the Writings of Basil of Caesarea: Botany, Pharmacology and Nutrition 2019. DAI-A 81/5(E)
Karen Carducci Lithic Animacy and Agency: Imagining Minerals in the Roman World 2020.