Departmental scholarship packages

Please note that at Catholic University, you must apply before February 1 for fall entrance in order to receive full consideration for graduate financial aid, including scholarships. The Department of Greek and Latin also requires a completed GRE by the time of application.

Graduate students in the Department of Greek and Latin at both the M.A. and the Ph.D. levels are automatically considered upon application for departmental scholarship packages. These are awarded on the basis of merit, and consist of a waiver of tuition coupled with a moderate teaching commitment during the regular academic year: the teaching in turn is compensated with a stipend.

Students receiving this type of funding must be enrolled in their degree program continuously and full-time. 

Information on teaching as a graduate student

Newer graduate students who have been awarded departmental scholarship packages are assigned to positions as teaching assistants (TAs); more advanced students qualify as teaching fellows (TFs). TAs serve as grading assistants and as instructors of discussion sections; TFs serve as solo instructors of sections of elementary and intermediate language courses, with assignments possible in Greek or in Latin. All TAs and TFs receive substantial mentoring as they continue to refine their teaching skills, and the department works hard to match teaching assignments to students' interests, schedules, and personal obligations.

Once they have passed their M.A. comprehensive exams in a given language and its literature, our graduate students are also offered the chance to teach one or more courses in our annual online Summer Program. While this is a popular choice, there is no obligation to participate.

University merit fellowships

The most competitive members of a given year's applicant pool to the department are also automatically nominated for a small portfolio of university-level merit fellowships. These endowed fellowships, the Knights of Columbus and the Board of Trustees, award not only a tuition waiver, but also a larger stipend.