Dr. Carducci received her B.A. in Classics from the University of Dallas and her M.A. in Classical Studies from Duke University. After completing premedical courses, she received her Ph.D. in Greek and Latin from the Catholic University of America (1/2020), with a dissertation that considered what Romans thought about minerals.
Drawing upon developments in phenomenology and in the rhetoric of science, her research considers mineral lore in Greek, Latin, and Islamic writings. She is working on a book project about the uses and abuses of minerals according to writers of the first century, especially Pliny the Elder, and will touch on receptions of these ideas in the early Medieval period.
Dr. Carducci’s publications turn upon philology, exemplarity, and reception studies. Her first article considered Caesar’s use of grammar to present himself as the ideal general (“The first supine in Bellum gallicum and Bellum civile: A study of Caesar as grammarian, Narrator, and exemplum,” CP). The idea of exemplarity led her to study Roman wills for exemplary uses of wealth (“Implicit Stipulations in the Testamentum of Gregory of Nazianzus vis-à-vis the Testamenta of Remigius of Rheims, Caesarius of Arles, and Aurelianus of Ravenna,” Studia Patristica). The topic of exemplarity, in connection with studies of Arabic, led her to consider female virtue and Islam in the seminal Arabic adaptation of Oedipus Tyrannus (“Redeeming Jocasta: Tawfiq al-Hakim’s ‘Eastern’, ‘Arab’ reception of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus,” Classical Receptions Journal). An article on Roman receptions of Greek stereotypes about Arabia is currently under review.
These research initiatives were supported by the North American Patristics Society Dissertation Completion Grant, and by special programs on material culture (Summer Seminar co-sponsored by the Society for Classical Studies and Emory University), on Greek paleography (Winter School, co-sponsored by the American Academy in Rome and the Vatican Library), and on Byzantine Greek (Summer School, Dumbarton Oaks).
In addition to teaching for Catholic University, St. Mary’s Seminary and University, and Christendom College, Dr. Carducci now teaches for Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Courses offered there include Ancient Medicine and Medical Terminology and Classical Mythology.
Recent presentations include “Pregnant and Gendered Minerals according to Pagans and Christians” at the 18th International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford (8/2019), “Imagining Arabia from ‘Divinely Blessed’ to ‘Accursed Desert’: Greco-Roman Stereotypes about Pre-Islamic Arabian Society” at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (11/2018), and “Morals and Minerals: The Didactics of Stone Lore from Pliny the Elder to Isidore of Seville,” at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States (10/2018).