Potential students desiring to complete this bilingual certificate in one year should already possess strong intermediate-level skills in one of the two languages (the equivalent of four prior semesters of study at the university level) and be able to test into advanced-level coursework in that language.

If you have only elementary-level skills in one of the two languages--or even no prior background--it will take you approximately two years of intensive study to complete the two-language program.

  • List of Certificate Requirements

    • GR 511, Greek Prose Composition (preferred) or another approved advanced Greek course (3 cr)
    • LAT 511, Latin Prose Composition (preferred) or another approved advanced Latin course (3 cr)
    • 1 approved advanced Greek course (3 cr)
    • 1 approved advanced Latin course (3 cr)
    • 1 approved advanced Greek or Latin course (3 cr)

Time to complete the Certificate in Greek and Latin

The Certificate in Greek and Latin can be completed in a minimum of one two-semester academic year for students who enter with intermediate-level language studies already completed and who are able to test directly into advanced-level courses. Summer study in this case is required for efficiency's sake (see below).

The Certificate in Greek and Latin may also be completed gradually, in which case this potential timeline need not apply.

Courses enclosed within square brackets in the schedule below are elementary- and intermediate-level courses that are available, if necessary, to bring language skills up to the level required to begin certificate studies. The credit hours for these bracketed courses do not count towards the total credit hours required for the certificate.

This schedule assumes intermediate level of one language already completed at Catholic University or elsewhere; other circumstances may require a slightly longer timeline.

Term Courses Credits
Summer 1 [Greek 509] + [Greek 516-517] or [Latin 509] + [Latin 516-517] [6 cr] + [6 cr] = [12 cr]
Fall semester Latin 511 or another approved advanced course; 1 approved advanced course 6 cr
Spring semester Greek 511 or another approved advanced course; 1 approved advanced course 6 cr
Spring semester or Summer 2 1 approved advanced course 3 cr
  • FAQs about Certificate Admission

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  • Graduate and Certificate Handbook

    Our Graduate and Certificate Handbook gathers into one place most of the departmental information that our students will need throughout their careers at Catholic University.

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