If you are looking for support for a particular phase of your academic development or for a special research or travel project, always explore your options as widely as possible. Besides exploring the material on this page, you may want to visit the reference room of a large city or campus library (such as Mullen Library) and the facilities or the websites of the Foundation Center, an organization that collects and disseminates information about financial support for both individuals and nonprofit organizations. (There is a Foundation Center library located in downtown Washington, DC.) These locations will contain major directories of grant and scholarship aid--and will also host professional reference staff to assist you.

Remember, in no case whatsoever should you pay an independent 'service' or website to locate sources of financial aid for you. If you need assistance in determining whether a given source of funding is legitimate, an academic advisor or university career counselor should be able to help you.

  • Undergraduates Preparing for First-Time Entrance to Graduate Study

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  • For Students Interested in a Graduate Degree or Second B.A. Overseas

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  • For Current Graduate Students

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  • For Graduate Students Preparing to Write Dissertations

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