Partial scholarship support is available on a competitive basis from the Virgil S. Crisafulli Memorial Fund of the Department of Greek and Latin to current or entering degree-seeking Catholic University graduate students in any M.A. or Ph.D. program for participation in the our Summer Program. In other words, students who will begin their graduate degree studies at Catholic University in the fall following the Summer Program are also eligible to apply. Students who will not be seeking degrees (i.e. who are taking courses as "non-degree" students) are not eligible.

These scholarships remit a fixed amount of tuition expenses; the exact scholarship offer will be communicated upon the notification of successful applicants. Recipients must pay the remainder of the tuition and other fees themselves, or apply to their own departments or schools for further assistance. No student will be awarded scholarship funds for more than six credits of tuition or for repeating a course.

Courses supported by this scholarship must be taken for credit. Auditing is not permitted. Students who withdraw from the course, whether before or after the add/drop deadline, are subject to the cancellation of the scholarship and repayment of tuition. Candidates are reminded that these are intensive courses, and awardees are therefore advised to plan on full-time study.

Preference in scholarship selection is given to well-qualified students who require language competence for advanced work in their particular academic fields. It is therefore recommended that you pay careful attention in your application essay to presenting specific uses to which you plan to put the language you are proposing to study.

Eligible summer courses for the scholarship program are limited to the following:

  • GR 509: Intensive Elementary Greek (6 cr)
  • LAT 509: Intensive Elementary Latin (6 cr)

In order to apply, please submit the following by 5:00pm EDT Friday, April 14, 2023:

  1. The Summer Program scholarship application, which requires the following attachments:
  2. An unofficial transcript pdf from Catholic University (or from your last institution, if you are just beginning your degree program);
  3. A brief resume or CV; and
  4. A one-page statement of purpose.
Questions about the scholarship program may be directed to the department.